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22 January, 2011

Explore Your Dreams to The Fullest

Posted by Your Friend 2:40 AM, under | 2 comments

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"Good is the Enemy of Great."
Dreams. The dream is a window into your soul, a gateway into the unseen world, giving access to the unknown and revealing the invisible behind all that is visible. I can't stress enough how important it is to get into the habit of jotting down your dreams and making an effort to interpret them. It is a great way to develop self-awareness and self-understanding and will enrich your life in many, many unforeseen ways. Self-awareness and self-acceptance is so important in developing your self-esteem. Take the time to seriously ask yourself, "Who am I and what's my purpose in life?" Write down your strengths and weakness, your highest ambitions and deepest fears, and make a list of everything you enjoy doing and all your hobbies. Take some personality tests to gain deeper understanding of who you are.

Explore your dreams to the fullest of its potential. Extract some times from your daily life to establish a base for your future life. Keep in mind no ideas are supernatural but by consistent efforts you can change them into reality and that looks other to like a miracle. Don’t live your life by the circumstances forced to live your life but live your life realising the fullest potential of your dreams. Living life with purpose and intent, or according to our destiny is supernatural. It goes beyond the natural approach to living, by taking responsibility for the decisions we are to make ahead of time.

Living life at its poorest form is ignorance and at its greatest level, enlightenment. Life lived at a quality of total awareness, is a life lived with extreme potential. Vision is available to every person on earth. Poverty of imagination is poverty at it's worst. As our mind begins to dream of potential, our will begins to change towards the probabilities of what can be. As we each take up our personal responsibility to dream on a level beyond the natural, we enter in to a dimension of creativity. Creativity is the gift that we were all born with, but circumstances conspire to rob us of the initiative to birth the seed of creativity. The will of our creator is to empower each one of us with the same creative capacity.

Poverty of spirit excludes us from the power of creativity. Instead of doing first thing first we give too many importance to too many minor things. Choose great over good in ALL areas of your life! It is far better to have a few great things than a lot of good or mediocre things. Find the ONE thing you can be the best in the world at and focus unrelentingly on improving that one thing, polishing it to perfection.

20 January, 2011

Life is about enjoying the Journey of Success

Posted by Your Friend 11:36 PM, under | No comments

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The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success, but enjoying the path of success.

Self satisfaction does not lie in what we achieve, but in the enthusiasm and enjoyment towards sacrifice and hard work we had.

Focusing on success v/s focusing on enjoying the journey of success – “focusing on the true way of living life.”

Often, when we think about setting goals for ourselves, we think about our potential that would bring us great success. We dream of a great businessman, CEO, being an TV Star, winning the lottery, going on exotic trips, and of the proverbial, shiny red corvette. All these things represent a peak point of time of success that we imagine being available for ourselves. 

These desires get us failed to make a true difference in our own lives. By focusing on objects of success, rather than objects of critical, we have created a root of certain future failure planning.

Definitely, winning the lottery or getting a new car would increase our standard of living. After all, who couldn't use more money or a better car? However once we've made it to one level of success, we rarely take a moment to appreciate it before moving on to the next. The material object we desire has been captured, and the chase is over. 

We are blinded towards the real sacrifice and commitment by the more appealing, "successful" solution that will make us look really good.

Will you continue to run your business in a way that significantly impacts the lives and futures of your clients? Or will you choose to chase the images of success that lie in awards and recognition? Is it possible to do both and still fulfill upon your mission? 

If your dreams are to be top businessman, journey is the genuine learning experience, and success is a standardized test. While you are experiencing true learning and growth, you might learn what you need to ace the test, but when you teach only for the test, you miss out on a lot of wonderful experiences that aren't related to the final exam. 

18 January, 2011

Handle the Panic Thoughts with Pleasure

Posted by Your Friend 2:01 AM, under | No comments

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Panic- Thought -- a manifestation of the state of mind known as Panic-Thought. Panic-Thought express a phase of his idea of Forethought without Worry. Happiness, as found in Forethought minus Panic-Thought-  a very happy expression of a very happy idea. Panic thoughts is that condition of the mind in which everything is seen through blue glasses -- in which everything seems to bring a sense of the futility of endeavour -- the ``I Can't'' principle of mentality, as contrasted with the ``I Can and I Will'' mental attitude. It is the noxious weed in the mental garden, which tends to kill the valuable plans to be found therein. It is the fly in the ointment -- the spider in the cup of the Wine of Life. 

Anger and Worry were the two great hindrances to a well- balanced, advanced and progressive mentality, but many misunderstood him and urged that to abolish Worry meant to cease taking any consideration of the morrow -- a lack of common prudence and forethought. 

Panic might be abolished by the practice of abolishing Panic-Thought from the mind -- by driving it out of the mental chamber -- and the best teachers have taught that the best way to drive out Panic (or any other undesirable mental state) was by cultivating the thought of the opposite quality of mind by compelling the mind to dwell upon the mental picture of the desirable quality, and by the appropriate auto-suggestions. 

The illustration has often been stated that the way to drive darkness from a room is not to shovel it out, but to throw open the shutters and let the sunlight stream in, and that is the best way to neutralize Panic- Thought. 

The mental process has aptly been spoken of as ``vibrations,'' a figure that has a full warrant in modern science. Then, by raising the vibration to the Positive pitch, the negative vibrations may be counteracted. By cultivating the qualities recommended in the other lessons of this book, Panic-Thought may be neutralized. The poison of Panic- Thought is insidious and subtle, but it slowly creeps through the veins until it paralyzes all useful efforts and action, until the heart and brain are affected and find it difficult to throw it off. Panic-Thought is at the bottom of the majority of failures and ``going down'' in life.

As long as a man keeps his nerve and confidence in himself, he is able to rise to his feet after each stumble, and face the enemy resolutely -- but let him feel the effects of Panic-Thought to such an extent that he cannot throw it off and he will fail to rise and will perish miserable. ``There is nothing to Panic except Panic,'' has well been said. 

We have spoken elsewhere about the law of attraction, which operates in the direction of attracting to us, that which we Desire. But there is a reverse side to this -- it is a poor rule that will not work both ways. Panic will set into motion the law of attraction just as well as Desire. Just as Desire draws to one the things he pictures in his mind as the Desired Thing, so will Panic draw to him the thing pictured in his mind as the Thing Pained. ``The thing that I Pained hath befallen me.'' And the reason is very simple, and the apparent contradiction vanishes when we examine the matter. 

What is the pattern upon which the law of attraction builds under the force of Desire? The Mental image, of course. And so it is in the case of Panic -- the person carries about the Mental Image or haunting picture of the Pained Thing, and the Law of Attraction brings it to him just as it brings the Desired Thing. Did you ever stop to think that Panic was the negative pole of Desire? The same laws work in both cases. 

You can get rid of it by Desire and Will, coupled with the holding of the Mental Image of Painlessness. Drive it up by cultivating its opposite. Change your polarity. Raise your mental vibrations. Someone has said, ``There is no Devil but Panic'' -- then send that Devil back to the place where he properly belongs, for if you entertain him hospitably he will make your heaven a hell in order that he may feel at home. Use the mental Big Stick on him. 
So avoid Panic-Thought as you would the poisonous draught that you know would cause your blood to become black and thick, and your breathing laboured and difficult. It is a vile thing, and you should not rest content until you have expelled it from your mental system. 

02 January, 2011

Dreams Come True

Posted by Your Friend 2:30 AM, under | No comments

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It is that time of year once more when many people are working on the goals they have set for themselves for the new year. It's the same thing every year. The goals that people set for themselves are usually along the lines of, "I want to lose weight", " I want to quit smoking", "I want to exercise more" etc. Newsletters and Magazines are full of articles on how to accomplish these things.

Although the normal resolutions are good and healthy for you, they make you focus on negative aspects of your life, essentially, what you should not be doing…smoking, eating badly, being lazy etc. The problem I see with these resolutions is that it makes people think negatively and feel guilty, especially when February rolls around and they realize that they were not able to keep up with their resolutions. By thinking negatively, we set ourselves up for failure.

I want to suggest something different to you. Let us not dwell on new year resolutions that go down the drain by February, let's focus on something a little different. Positive thinking brings results. Results make us happy and content. When we are content and focused on positive things we will find that many negative aspects of our lives fall away on their own. It is as if the body says, "I don't need these negative things in my life anymore" and voila, they drop away without effort.

My suggestion to you is that this year we dwell on positive things. Instead of dwelling on what we want to rid ourselves of this year, let us dwell on what positive things we want to see in our lives. Let us focus on our dreams and make them a reality in our lives.

Many people don't give much time thinking about making their dreams come true. They are caught up in the rat race of life and a worldly way of thinking. My suggestion is that we focus on a more spiritual way of thinking. Let us take the time to think about what we really want in life and then focus on setting goals that will bring us closer to our dreams.

Yes, even when following your dreams, one must set goals or we will never accomplish that which we dream of. Don't get caught up in wishful thinking but put some action behind your thoughts. The secret to realizing your dreams is to break your objective into small steps. Ask yourself, "What do I need to do in order to accomplish this goal?" then break it down into bite size pieces.
This week we drove from Hamburg to Munich because we had to check out our new apartment and see about my fiancé's new job out there. It is a very long drive and if you drive fast and push your limits (which most people want to do) you can make the journey in 8 hours. BUT, if you don't want to stress yourself out, you have to make sure you take time for breaks and stretching so it ends up taking between 10-12 hours, depending on traffic etc. Then you end up at the end of the journey relaxed. Tired still, but relaxed ;-)

Think of your dreams as your destination. It may not be right around the corner, most dreams aren't, but if you have patience, and pace yourself you WILL arrive at your destination. The problem most people run into with goal setting is that we think we can accomplish it much faster if we push themselves to the limit. When we hit problems that will slow us down, we end up getting frustrated and often give up. If, we would relax and think clearly when we hit a roadblock to our dreams, we would be able to figure out alternative routes to our destination. Detours do not mean failure and stalled traffic does not mean that we must give up and forget about our destination. We will reach our goals if we relax, persevere and be willing to figure out alternatives to our situation. We don't need to drive ourselves like maniacs in order to reach our destination. Life is not the autobahn!

Road plan to your dreams:
1.Figure out what you want the most in life. What is your dream?
2.Set small, realistic steps so you can clearly map out the way to your destination, your dream. Remember that you cannot swim the ocean.
3.Be prepared to take an alternative route if you run into roadblocks.
4.Don't give up. You WILL reach your destination.

This new year, let us think about the positive things we want in our life. Take the time now, to think about what you really want and then set about making up your road plan. Wishful thinking won't accomplish anything. Make plans and follow your dreams!

"Shoot for the moon, if you miss at least you will end up amongst the stars"- Author unknown 

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Posted by Your Friend 1:53 AM, under | No comments

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